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Know Your Rights

During this time of heightened deportations and ICE raids against unauthorized immigrants and so many in our Latinx communities, the Latinx Studies Association stands in support of our students, colleagues, and administrators at colleges and universities across the country. While…

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lsa activities post

Tomorrow!: LSA Fall 2023 Webinar

Dear LSA Members, We are excited to announce our Fall Webinar: Latinx Studies in the Classroom:  Critical Issues in Pedagogy November 10, 2023 5 pm EST/4 pm CST/2 pm PST  (90 minutes duration) This webinar proposes to engage questions related…

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lsa activities post

Tomorrow!: LSA Fall 2023 Webinar

Dear LSA Members, We are excited to announce our Fall Webinar: Latinx Studies in the Classroom:  Critical Issues in Pedagogy November 10, 2023 5 pm EST/4 pm CST/2 pm PST  (90 minutes duration) This webinar proposes to engage questions related…

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lsa activities post

LSA Committees: Call for self-nominations

Dear LSA Members, The Executive Committee is excited to call for self-nominations to two of the four committees that we are populating this year, the Communications Committee and the Graduate Committee. We will roll out self-nominations for the remaining two committees--the…

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Meet our new Executive Council

The LSA would like to introduce our new Executive Council! We come into this work very grateful for the leadership and example of the past Executive Council. We are excited to serve the LSA for the 2023-2025 term. President: Frances…

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Aparicio greetings

LSA President’s Greeting

Since its inception in 2014, the Latino Studies Association has played a critical role in carving a national and global space for networking, mentoring, and advancing our production of decolonial knowledge and the pursuit of social justice for U.S. Latinx…

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