LSA Committees: Call for self-nominations
Dear LSA Members,
The Executive Committee is excited to call for self-nominations to two of the four committees that we are populating this year, the Communications Committee and the Graduate Committee. We will roll out self-nominations for the remaining two committees–the Prize Committee and the Mentorship Committee–at this time next year.
Populating the Communications and Graduate Committees this year will allow us to better fulfill our mission, maintain communication with our members, and help shape our vision going forward. We ask that all interested members email nominations@latinxstudiesassociation.org with:
- a short (150 words) candidate statement expressing why you are interested in serving and why you are qualified for the committee,
- and a CV.
- Please make clear the committee on which you would like to serve (Communications Committee or Graduate Committee).
Send email by July 31, 2023.
Elections for the committees, if necessary, shall follow. Once constituted, each committee’s first order of business will be to formulate a specific agenda for the committee, as well as guidelines for service.
The full list of committees is as follows, HOWEVER, once again, we are only calling for self-nominations this year for the Communications and Graduate Committees:
- Communications Committee. We ask that members on this committee be tech savvy with social media, as we will be depending on this committee to broaden our profile and increase our membership.
- Graduate Committee. We invite graduate students to self-nominate for this committee. We ask that members on this committee devise modes of consulting with our graduate student members to ascertain their needs and interests so that the organization might better serve them.
- Prize Committee. We ask that members on this committee creatively deliberate on a list of prizes we would like the LSA to offer our membership on a two-year cycle.
- Mentorship Committee. We ask that volunteers on this committee have the energy and time to devote to developing models of mentorship for graduate students and professors at assistant and associate level of our profession.
Let the nominations begin.