LSA President’s Greeting
Since its inception in 2014, the Latino Studies Association has played a critical role in carving a national and global space for networking, mentoring, and advancing our production of decolonial knowledge and the pursuit of social justice for U.S. Latinx communities. As we celebrate our tenth anniversary in 2024, I call on all members to reflect on what the field has offered you and, most importantly, on what you can contribute to the sustainability of Latinx Studies. Given the long-held fragility of race and ethnic studies in the American academy, how can LSA better foster a sense of validation, legitimacy, and public visibility to our work? An association can only be as strong as the commitment of its members. With renewed energy and ganas, LSA can serve as a transformative space for us all. I look forward to engaging with colleagues in a continued process of collaboration and dialogue. Gracias!