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Call for Submissions: Afro-Latin@* Reader: Vol 2

Editors: Yomaira C. Figueroa-Vásquez, Paul Joseph López Oro, and Omaris Z. Zamora

In July 2010, the watershed publication of The Afro-Latin@ Reader: History and Culture in the United States edited by the late Miriam Jiménez Román and Juan Flores blazed a trail for the emerging field of Afro-Latinx* Studies. The reader continues to be a foundational and transformative text and in honor of the scholarly activist legacy of Miriam and Juan, we are announcing the development of The Afro-Latin@* Reader: Volume 2. We are using Afro-Latin@* with an asterisk as a way to respect the original title while making space for multiple identity pathways within Black Latinidad and to disrupt the normative gender politics embedded in the Spanish language. The asterisk, a mathematical symbol, represents multiplication, and underscores for the editors, a multiplicity of ways to engage, identify, or disidentify with the markers of Afro-Latinidad.

In this second volume, we envision expanding the discourses and provocations posed by the first volume and seek to cultivate and unearth new terrains of knowledge production by and for Black Latinx peoples in the United States, whose histories, politics, and cultures remain understudied and undertheorized. This volume highlights the directions in which Afro-Latinx Studies as a field has developed and made major contributions to Black and Latinx Studies, among other fields. This volume focuses on contemporary concerns and developments in Afro-Latinx* Studies that center Blackness and Indigeneity, gender, sexuality, queerness, history, community, spirituality, cultural productions, and politics through transdisciplinary dialogues.

We invite researchers, educators, artists, activists, writers, and independent scholars, among others, to submit:

  1. A 300-500 word abstract of a proposed critical, research, or personal essay (if critical or research please include a short bibliography of 5-10 selected sources)


         2. A compilation of 1-3 creative works (poetry, short story, visual works; accompanied by a short contextual introduction), for          consideration for publication in this volume.

For more information and further instructions on how to submit, click link below:


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