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Call for papers: VI International Colloquium on Latino Studies in the United States

Casa de las Américas, through its Programme of Studies on Latinos in the United States, is calling for its sixth International Colloquium on the theme of “Latinidad y geografías humanas: las fronteras (in)visibles y sus espacios de poder” (Latinos/as/xs and human geographies: (in)visible borders and their spaces of power), from 14 to 16 October 2025. On this occasion, the meeting will focus on the processes of construction and legitimization of racialized spaces that influence the relationship between Latin American, Caribbean, and Indigenous migrants and their children in US society.

It will reflect on the perspective of the Latino population in the United States as a subject and social object immersed in spaces resulting from processes of dispossession and colonization that are responded to with strategies of resistance and decolonization. The debates will take human geographies as a multidimensional framework to map the historical and current circumstances of the spatial distribution of communities of Latin American and Caribbean origin in the United States, as well as the political notions on which these spaces are built, their intersections with other relevant notions such as gender, generations, legality and demographic factors, and the socio-cultural practices that are carried out from these spheres.

The Colloquium, keeping the promise of its previous edition to bring together people of Latin American and Caribbean origin linked to the arts, literature, and the social and humanistic sciences, maintains the perspective of action aimed at the diversity of knowledge, links, and networks, and proposes the following thematic axes:

1. Geographical histories of Latino population in the United States.

2. Border policies and other notions of the current map of Latino migrants in the United States.

3. Afro-Latinos and indigenous people from the South of the Rio Grande in the United States.

4. Latino population mapped from the arts and literature.

5. Enclaves and settlements: from tradition and through ruptures.

6. The Latino vote in the 2024 presidential elections.

In addition, one of the working sessions will be devoted to a tribute to the life and work of the outstanding Chicana/o intellectual Gloria Anzaldúa.



Those interested may submit individual papers or panels until July 20, 2025 by sending the corresponding form to and which can be downloaded at the following link:

Each presentation will have a maximum time of 20 minutes and may be supported with audiovisual materials. 

For registration, participants must submit, along with the printed text of their presentation, in which they will use international standards for notes, citations and bibliography (APA), the text on a flash memory.

For Cuban participants, the admission fee will consist of 500 CUP for professionals and 250 CUP for students. It will be paid in cash and in person at the time of official accreditation at the Colloquium. For foreign participants, the admission fee will consist of 50 USD or 50 EUR and can only be paid one week before the colloquium, by means of the payment indication that will be communicated to you in due course.

Casa de las Américas is able to send an invitation letter, which can be used to manage the funds necessary to participate in the colloquium, to those who apply and are accepted.


To facilitate your transfer and stay in Cuba, please contact your travel agency or contact us:


3ª y G, El Vedado, Havana, 10 400, Cuba,

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