CFP – Scholarly and Creative Responses to #METOO from a Latina perspective
Dr. Melissa Castillo Planas, Associate Professor, Lehman College & CUNY Grad Center is editing a new volume that aims to address the lack of scholarly and media attention to Latina experiences of sexual violence within the #MeToo era.
In order to address a lack of scholarly and media attention to the realities of Latinas and sexual assault, this volume invites interdisciplinary responses on topics including:
- Latinas and #MeToo coverage
- Latinas, sexual assault and media portrayals
- Sexual assault in Latinx Literature (all genres)
- Interdisciplinary research on sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment and Latinas
- Mental health and Latinas relating to sexual assault/ rape
- Memoirs, poetry, or short stories & other creative responses (all genres)
As this book will include contributors from a number of different disciplines, writers are encouraged to see it as an opportunity to explore a style that is accessible to a broad audience, rigorous in research but less formally academic, more personal and approachable. Open on length, but no longer than 8,000 words. Please send one paragraph proposals with brief bios by July 1, 2023. Full manuscripts will be due Jan. 15, 2024. Contact: melissa.castilloplanas@lehman.cuny.edu